You signed
paperwork requesting medical services. Your application is now pending with Del Norte County Health & Human Services.
During this eligibility determination period you have been assigned an Eligibility Caseworker who will send you mail-in medical
application forms along with a request for verifications. Time limits do apply. You are required to complete and return all by the assigned due date. You may contact that office at 880 Northcrest Dr, Crescent City
CA or Phone: 707-464-3191 for more information or to inquire about your application
Once your
caseworker has received all your required paperwork and verifications, your application will be processed for eligibility
determination. You will be notified in writing regarding your medical program
eligibility. The notice will also explain if you have a Share of Cost and the
dates of your certification period.
Once determined
eligible your medical Benefit Issuance (BIC) cards will be mailed arriving in 2-6 weeks. If you were issued a
BIC card in the past, but no longer have it, you must request a new replacement card. If you need medical services sooner
you may request an Immediate Need Temporary Paper Card be printed at Del Norte County Health & Human Services.
The medical
program you qualify for may not go back retro for past dates of medical service. Your current application will
date back to the first of the month in which you applied. If you qualify for Medi-cal you may also request Retro Medi-Cal
for the past three months. The CMSP program does not provide retro for a past month however. It is important that you apply
in the month of service to ensure eligibility.
Don't put off needed health care. You may seek and receive medical attention
during the eligibility determination period. When eligibility has been verified the appropriate medical programs
can then be billed. If you have already paid out of pocket medical and prescription expenses in a month that
you are eligible, you may request a refund directly from that provider.
Medi-Cal and CMSP are good only for approved prescriptions and medical expenses
where the cards are accepted. Not all medical care, procedures, or medicines may be covered by Medi-Cal or CMSP. There
are restrictions, such as a limit of 6 prescriptions monthly. Vision and Dental
are restricted to emergency services only for CMSP. Remember that not all Doctors,
Dentists, and providers accept Medi-Cal or CMSP. You should always check to be
sure your provider accepts your cards and that the expense is covered under your program. Verify with all providers for pre-approval.
You are responsible to inform your various medical providers your BIC card eligibility information and ID number.
NOTE: To be considered for the Sutter Financial Assistance Charity Program it is required that you first apply
for any available State or County medical programs. Verification of your medical application eligibility determination is